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Monday, July 23, 2012

Four stages of the group development


Forming is the beginning. In this stage the group comes together and gets to initially know one another and form as a group. This stage is usually fairly short. Normally it only last for a single meeting at which people are introduced to one another. In this stage part of the group forming process is asking questions. Normally answering for questions like 'What are supposed to be doing', 'what is being asked', 'when does it have to be done by',' Time will be spent', 'collecting information and bonding'. etc. Members of the team focus on being busy with routines, such as team organization, who does what, when to meet, etc. Finally team assembled and tasks agreed

In this stage most of the time member of the team do not know each other well enough to unconditionally trust one another. So team members naturally behave independently with goodwill towards each other with little or no real trustSo we can say main idea behind the forming stage is the team comes together, gets to know each other and begins to work together.


Storming is the stage that the team starts to address the task suggesting ideas. So, different approaches cause ideas to compete. Normally teams are made or broken in this phase. Some people's patience will break early. Because of that there may be conflict between group members when address the task suggesting ideas.

So in this stage, group development can considered as a point where personal relationships form within the group. If a team is weak at this point it's likely to be less effective.


As the team moves out of the storming phase they will enter the norming phase. In this stage the group begins to settle down. Team members understand each other and know how the team operates. Members of the group start to feel that they belong to it. So members begin to share ideas, feelings, give and receive feedback and generally chat about what is going on and what they are doing. 

Member of the team now understand each other better, they are able to ask each other for help, recognizing vital contributions of members and they are able to appreciate each other's skills and experience.


In this stage team is most productive. According to this phase group practices its craft and becomes effective in meeting its objectives. In performing stage everyone knows each other well enough to be able to work together. In the same time trusts each other enough to allow independent activity.

This is the stage where group identity, loyalty and morale. Team has a high level of independence. When something goes wrong team members have the ability to resolved the problems which have been accorded within the team in a positive manner.

They have the strength to make necessary changes to structure. Team members can look after each other.



This is the final phase added by Tuckman to cover the end of the project to break up of the team. Adjourning is the
process of "unforming" the group. This phase is known as "deforming and mourning". Simply this can define as letting go of the group structure and moving on. In this stage, individuals will be proud of having achieved much and glad to have been part of such an enjoyable group. However adjourning is arguably more of an adjunct to the original four stage model rather than an extension. This stage involves the termination of task behaviors and disengagement from relationships.

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